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Papua New Guinea: Christian Union Bible College

ID: 22433
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There is a great need in Papua New Guinea for national pastors to be trained in the Bible so they will be well-equipped to evangelize and disciple their own people. The culture is steeped in superstition and awareness of the spirit world, and this has a significant impact on the churches. Christian Union Bible College was founded in 2005 to create a place where pastors and those called to minister can be enriched in their faith and learn how to teach others the truth of God.

The Bible college provides urgently-needed Bible and vocational training for men and women who are called into full-time ministry. Located in Mount Hagen, the fourth-largest city in PNG, the Bible college is easily accessible to many people and focuses on in-depth Bible training, holiness theology, and practical teaching on church planting and pastoral care. Most importantly, graduates are equipped to help the people of PNG understand the meaning of having a relationship with Christ.

WGM PNG has a three-tier plan to bring Bible teaching to the people of PNG. The Bible college is the first part of that plan with the other two pieces being short, concentrated classes for individuals who can’t attend the longer college program and training sessions in villages for pastors and lay people who are unable to travel to Mount Hagen.

Partner with CUBC

Give: Students and pastors who come to CUBC for training come from poor areas in PNG. Many times, entire villages or churches contribute money to help these students and pastors receive an education. Help make a difference in the lives of these students and pastors by joining the ministry team of CUBC!

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