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Dennis and Twana Johnson

In April 1973, Dennis and Twana were appointed as WGM missionaries to Bolivia, where they ministered for 25 years. During their first term in Bolivia, the Johnsons were involved in rural church planting and evangelism. In their second term, they moved to Santa Cruz, where they served as teachers in the Bible institute and at Santa Cruz Christian Learning Center, dorm parents, school nurse (Twana), and field leader (Dennis). Dennis also served in field leadership and on the boards of SCCLC and Bolivian Evangelical University. Twana was active in medical work, MK outreach, women’s and children’s ministries, and Bible study groups. 

Although Dennis was initially interested in radio work and serving in Argentina, he and Twana remained open to the Lord’s leading. In August 1998, that leading took them to WGM headquarters in Indiana. During their 12 years at headquarters, Dennis was the regional coordinator for Latin America and then became the vice president of International Ministries. Twana was the director of WGM’s Student Involvement ministries at Indiana Wesleyan University for two years before starting an outreach to MKs and ultimately the Member Health Department.

“Dennis is responsible for implementing our current regional director structure of field administration, and Twana was instrumental in establishing a robust and effective Member Health Department and seeing a fledgling MK ministry become one of WGM’s most valued ministries to our missionaries,” noted Tim Rickel, WGM’s vice president of International Ministries who has known the Johnsons for 25 years.

The Johnsons worked at headquarters until 2010, when they felt the Lord leading them back to the field. They were reassigned to WGM Mexico in January 2011 and served there until their retirement in 2015. 

Read more about Dennis and Twana's story here

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