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Global Impact Fund

ID: 40891
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We know you have a passion to see God’s kingdom expand all over the world, and we’re thankful for your partnership with WGM to work toward that vision.

Your partnership with the Global Impact Fund moves God’s kingdom forward in three ways:

  1. The Middle East Initiative
  2. Mobilizing more missionaries to more places in more ways
  3. Caring for the well-being of our missionaries through the Member Health team

But what does that look like? We’re glad you asked!

Middle East Initiative
God is moving in the Middle East, and we want to join what He is doing. We are partnering with leaders within the Middle East by offering training and support as they serve on the front lines to share the Gospel in hard-to-reach places. Through your partnership, you are strengthening the Middle East Initiative to help missionaries develop roots that plant the kingdom of God in places that desperately need His Good News.

Mobilizing More Missionaries
Missionaries are responding to God’s call to go and take the Gospel into places it has never been. They are embarking on a God-ordained adventure, leaving the familiar, and saying yes to what Jesus has put on their heart. Your partnership with WGM makes it so more missionaries can go to put down roots in more places to develop deep and lasting relationships. Through your partnership, God’s kingdom will spread to more places than ever before.

Member Health
To love like Christ is to carry another’s burdens (Gal. 6:2). We know you desire to love others just as Christ has loved you, and through your partnership, you can carry the burden of missionaries experiencing displacement, feelings of not belonging, constant transition, or learning new cultural contexts. WGM’s Member Health team are pastors to missionaries all around the world—caring for the spiritual and emotional well-being of missionaries. Your efforts will help missionaries flourish so God's kingdom can continue to take root all around the world.

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Global Impact Fund
Advancing the Great Commission through your partnership.