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John and Priscilla Kunkle

ID: 05477, Region: North America
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John was born in 1971 to WGM missionaries, Joe and Ellen Kunkle, in Bolivia, South America. He received Jesus as his Savior and accepted God’s call to missions as a young boy, having been greatly influenced by former Wings of Peace pilot, Ron Farnum. During his preparation for service, he was sanctified at Vennard College in Iowa, where he studied missionary aviation technology. During that time, he met Priscilla Madsen, daughter of Les and Mary Ruth Madsen, also missionaries with WGM.

Priscilla was born in 1974 as a WGM missionary kid in Haiti and then lived in Arizona and Florida where her parents served for many years. She accepted the Lord as her Savior and Sanctifier at a young age. She attended Vennard College and then Indiana Wesleyan University, during which time she and John were married.

After being accepted as missionaries by WGM in 1999, John and Priscilla began their service with the Wings of Peace aviation ministry in Bolivia. John piloted the last Wings of Peace airplane from 2002 until 2008 when the aviation program was discontinued. John and Priscilla returned to the United States with their family and were asked to pastor a small church in Laredo, Texas, on a temporary assignment with WGM. As they were living on the border, they saw a desperate need for teachers and workers at Taylor Christian School and Taylor Community Center in McAllen, Texas. As their time in Laredo ended in 2014, they felt the Lord leading them to make another transition to McAllen.

Now, after nine years of service in McAllen, the Kunkles are preparing for their fifth homeland ministry assignment. Priscilla serves as the Area Team Leader for the global workers there, while John has been involved in facility maintenance, heading up the recent Taylor Transformation Project for the Taylor Community Center that was completed in 2022. 

As they look to return to the Texas/Mexico Border Ministries in 2024, they will need the support of many who will come alongside and partner with them in this work. Their goal is to work again with the Taylor Community Center in McAllen, Texas, by serving the missionaries, the community, and the local churches through leadership training and discipleship for the expansion of God’s kingdom.

John and Priscilla have four children, David, Jonathan (who serves with his wife Jera at Mt. Carmel High School near Jackson, Kentucky), Tianna, and Anthony.

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