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Provide safety, justice, and healing to all survivors of child sexual abuse in Uganda.
On the Checkout page, please click "Add instructions to the finance office" and include the team member's name in the message field that follows.
Housing is urgently needed for physicians in the new and expanding Residency Programs at Tenwek Hospital.
On the Checkout page, please click "Add instructions to the finance office" and include the team member's name in the message field that follows.
On the Checkout page, please click "Add instructions to the finance office" and include the team member's name in the message field that follows.
On the Checkout page, please click "Add instructions to the finance office" and include the team member's name in the message field that follows.
On the Checkout page, please click "Add instructions to the finance office" and include the team member's name in the message field that follows.
VT Albania seeks to serve the disabled by opening new doors of opportunity and choice, connecting students with others in meaningful relationships,...
Help Haiti and Radio Lumière recover from the August 14, 2021 earthquake.
Meet urgent needs around the world.
A medical ministry of Tenwek College of Health Sciences in Kenya.
Partner with this project in Choluteca, Honduras.
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Global Impact Fund
Advancing the Great Commission through your partnership.