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Southwest Ministries: SOAR Ministry

ID: 21728
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SOAR (Servant-Overcomer Addiction Recovery) Ministry serves people who are in recovery from substance abuse and other addictions, as well as people who realize that they have other dysfunctional and compulsive behaviors, such as anger issues, pornography addiction, the desire to self-harm, and low self-esteem.

In Native communities, addictions are prevalent and can be challenging to overcome, and while programs like Alcoholics Anonymous are available, there is nothing to help people that uses God's Word as the basis. But through SOAR, individuals may learn how to become their best for God through an emphasis on worship, the Word, and "healed helpers" serving others.

The biggest obstacle in discipleship of believers is the frequency of people falling back into addictive behaviors, so SOAR seeks to teach that God can help people live in victory. As it says in Isaiah 40:31a, "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles."

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