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Papua New Guinea: Memory Card Bibles

ID: 31443
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In an area of PNG where the written word only arrived in 1963, a high-tech solution has been found for distributing the Word of God: Bibles on phone memory cards. 

After working for several years recording and editing an audio version of the Bible in Angal Enen, the heart language of many people in the Nembi/Mendi area of the Southern Highlands Province (SHP), the Bible is ready for distribution on cell phone memory cards. This is a tremendous opportunity to saturate the minds of both the followers of God and those living in darkness. 

The Need

PNG is an oral society, passing down information by storytelling for all of their history. The Word of God has been available in the SHP for less than 55 years, and many people have heard only small sections of the Bible. While there are highly educated representatives from the villages, many relocate to the cities to find work. Approximately 65 percent of the Nembi/Mendi population has basic or nonexistent reading skills. The spoken word is the familiar, comfortable style of understanding, learning, and communicating.

Distributing Memory Card Bibles

The Bibles are offered at an assisted (not subsidized), attainable price. They will be distributed by WGM staff as they travel to the remote villages, and the missionary team has chosen to distribute them in cooperation with local leaders in the context of relationships. While this is a somewhat slow process, the inclusion of the personal connection encourages discipleship of new and prospective believers. 


“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12 NIV).

As the Word of God is being taken to people who may have only ever heard bits and pieces of it before, lives are changed. One man said, “Can you see how full I am? I’ve never been this full of God’s Word before! 


Pray for ears to hear, for discernment, and for the Word of God to stir, move, and change lives. Pray for more believers to use these memory card Bibles for outreach. 

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