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19 Ways to Pray for Missionaries

19 Ways to Pray for Missionaries

Missionaries face many highs and lows on the mission field and when they are on homeland ministry assignment. It can be especially challenging to face these ups and downs when living in a place that does life differently than what is closely familiar or in a culture that doesn’t speak a missionary’s heart language. That’s why we need to cover them in prayer every opportunity we have. Their lives and ministry depend on it!

The following are 19 ways you can pray for missionaries around the world.

Coming together with a common goal.


  1. Pray that others will join them in prayer and that they will feel supported.
  2. Pray for peace with other believers where they are serving.
  3. Pray for their relationships with nationals.
  4. Pray for friendships to grow amongst team members and nationals.
  5. Pray their marriage will continue to be strengthened.
  6. Pray for their children, for their education and their relationship with Jesus.

A statue of Jesus with arms outstretched


  1. Pray for good health physically and emotionally.
  2. Pray for financial support to sustain their ministries.
  3. Pray open doors to create and build relationships.
  4. Pray for protection spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
  5. Pray for refreshment from busyness and the challenges of living in another culture.

Open Bible on table


  1. Pray they have a hunger for God and that their personal relationship with Him will grow.
  2. Pray for their ministries that they may be fruitful.
  3. Pray for focus when life gets busy and there are distractions coming from every angle.
  4. Pray for wisdom to know how to handle sensitive cultural situations.
  5. Pray the Gospel will be clear through them and touch lives in real ways.

Person gazing at sunset


  1. Pray for joy, especially when it may feel hard to find.
  2. Pray for patience when things get frustrating.
  3. Pray for boldness to share the Gospel in all its truth.We want to encourage you to send a message to a missionary today and let them know you’re praying for them. Find a list of the WGM missionary pages here.

Angela Olsen is a staff writer for WGM while serving as a missionary on Special Assignment with her husband, Pete, and their two kids. They currently live on the shore of Lake Superior in Duluth, Minnesota. You can follow her journeys at, on Instagram, and on Facebook.

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