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Uganda: Pastoral Training

ID: 21340
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The multilevel training program used by WGM in partnership with AGC was created to equip national pastors and church leaders with the practical ministry skills and Bible knowledge they need to effectively minister. It also prepares them to train other pastors, thus strengthening AGC Uganda. In 2015, 313 pastors and church leaders participated in the training program.

Currently, the training is a three-year program, and training sessions are held for groups of pastors using a specifically designed curriculum. Each year, participants receive 36 lessons in the areas of basic Bible knowledge, theology, church history, Biblical Storytelling, general pastoral studies, radio and hospital ministries, and practical ministry skills (preaching and evangelism). The students also attend training two days each month in regional locations that are near to their homes. The strengths of the pastoral training program include:

  • Enabling pastors to continue ministering in their communities while they study
  • Preparing pastors to better serve Christ through knowledge of His Word and the use of practical ministry tools
  • Teaching pastors many Bible stories so they can share God’s Word with their congregations, even if those people cannot read the Bible themselves

“Pastoral training continues to be a cutting edge ministry,” explains WGM Uganda’s missionary staff. “In order to stay on the cutting edge, AGC Uganda, with the assistance of WGM, has been consistently changing and adapting this ministry and its curriculum in order to make it as effective as possible. Through Biblical Storytelling, the pastors learn how to share a Bible story. They then lead an oral inductive study of the scripture, joining with the Holy Spirit in enlightening people to truth in God’s Word, which brings transformation in hearts and lives.”

Another addition to the program came on October 9, 2015, when WGM missionaries Nathan and Jade Metz facilitated the opening of the AGC Pastoral Library in the capital city of Kampala, Uganda. The library has a growing inventory of reference materials that gives pastors invaluable resources to continue studying on their own.


Rev. Martin Owori is an AGC pastor in Uganda. He attended school through seventh grade but was forced to drop out because of financial constraints. After he left school, Martin felt the Lord calling him to serve as a pastor. Since Martin could not read very well, he welcomed AGC Uganda’s pastoral training methods that use simple but relevant reading materials.

Through the pastoral training, Martin has grown in his faith and ministry. He is currently the senior pastor of an active and growing church, he oversees more than 20 pastors, and he serves as a national and international trainer of pastors for AGC. On January 15, 2016, Rev. Owori was elected as the assistant bishop of AGC Uganda. His knowledge, skills, and confidence are amazing because of the effectiveness of the pastoral training program.


Future plans for the pastoral training program include:

  • Adding levels of training to strengthen the learning environment
  • Expanding the availability of resources to support study in a wider variety of academic areas
  • Installing computer-based resources to improve study options
  • Building structures to improve current training sessions
  • Offering continual formal theological education classes to address the growing number of educated church members in AGC Uganda congregations

“It is a goal of the program to continue training, challenging, and discipling those who participate,” WGM Uganda’s staff shares. “We want to continue to intentionally evaluate and develop pastors and church leaders according to the dreams and visions they have for the future church in Uganda. The Lord has done amazing things through this ministry, and we look forward to what He will do in the future.”

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