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About Us

Who We Are
World Gospel Mission engages Christlike disciples to transform the world.
Para español, haga clic aquí.

Transformed people transforming communities to transform the world.

Our philosophy of ministry is all about sending transformed people into the communities of the world so they can be instruments in the hands of God to bring about transformation.

God has always used His “called out” ones to transform the world. He first transforms their lives and then calls them out to go into a lost world to transform others.

 In Joel 2:28, He promised to pour out His Spirit unto us, and, as a result, our young men and women will see visions and our old men and women will dream dreams.

God has given us a dream! This dream is to double the impact of World Gospel Mission in the next five years. Our impact is measured in the transformation of lives. In order to be true to our Vision Statement, this will mean that we will need to place more transformed people in communities around our globe. Doubling our impact will mean that we will need to double the number of missionaries.

Statement of Faith

We believe:

  • in the absolute authority of the Bible.
  • in one God, eternally existent in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
  • in the full humanity and the full divinity of Jesus Christ.
  • that faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is essential for the salvation of the human soul.
  • in the present and personal ministry of the Holy Spirit, purifying and enabling Christians to live holy lives.
  • all people have sinned.
  • God created man in His own image to reflect His glory.
  • that the Church is the body of Christ made up of all who trust in and obey Him.
  • that the Church’s purpose is to worship God, reach those without Christ, and nurture believers.
  • in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and in the resurrection of all who believe in Him to life eternal.
  • in Jesus Christ’s personal return in power and glory.

View WGM's complete Statement of Faith here

Core Values
  • Passionate Prayer

We will pray, knowing that God will answer our prayers.We will pray for more workers, for His guidance and provision in our lives and ministries, and for the pouring out of His empowering Spirit to accomplish His will.

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7 NKJV)

“Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” (Luke 10:2 ESV)

We will not settle for less than passionate, faith-filled prayer.

  • Personal Holiness

We will live the lives that God intends us to live—lives that are victorious over sin—and we will seek to lead others into this scriptural Christlike lifestyle.

“Be ye holy; for I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:16b KJV)

“…present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice…. And do not be conformed to this world….” (Romans 12:1,2 NASB)

We will not settle for less than fully surrendered, Christlike lives.

  • Stewardship with Accountability

We will use His resources for the purposes He intends. This is a call to excellence. This is a call to the development and sustainability of those resources which God entrusts to us.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord.” (Colossians 3:23 NIV)

We will not settle for less than the best use of God’s resources.

  • Wholistic Transformation

We will allow the Holy Spirit to transform our lives, the lives of those we touch and their communities, and the world in which we live.

“…but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:2 NASB)

We will not settle for less than total transformation.

Board of Directors

Dedicated men and women are using the talents the Lord has given them to help WGM mobilize people to transform the world for Christ. Pray for these godly leaders as they uphold WGM’s Vision, Statement of Faith, Strategic Initiatives, and Core Values with the goal of doubling our impact around the globe.

List of WGM's Board of Directors

How We Work
WGM has implemented the following strategic initiatives as part of our ministry philosophy.
Para español, haga clic aquí.
WGM is working to significantly increase the number of international missionary staff, headquarters personnel, Board of Directors members, and field leaders. This is key to maintaining sustainable ministries and multiplying efforts to share the gospel. We look forward to the joys and challenges of working as an internationally led organization.
Community Transformation
Ministries that reach out to the whole person—physically and spiritually—have long been a feature of WGM’s work. Now, we seek to integrate the concept of whole-person transformation into the heart and soul of all locations, using a wholistic—yes, we chose this spelling intentionally—approach to ministry to effect community transformation. Working with local churches and local community leaders, we help to facilitate community outreach. WGM is in the process of training all missionaries in these principles.
Ministry Partner Strategy
As a faith-based organization, WGM relies on faithful ministry partners who are passionate about the cause of worldwide missions. Our global workers have adopted a strategy of transformational discipleship that engages their ministry partner teams on a deeper level that goes far beyond a financial transaction. In this model, both the partner and our global workers grow and are enriched as they work together to fulfill the Great Commission.
Strategic Initiatives
  • Focus on prayer

We will renew our focus on equipping WGM and its constituency for individual and corporate prayer that is passionate and faith-filled.

  • Attract and retain missionaries

We will increase our recruiting efforts and systems to the level necessary to grow the number of fully qualified, healthy, and engaged missionaries. This will include seeking missionaries from an ever-increasing pool of potential candidates, including missionaries from around the world.

  • Grow and disciple leaders

We will launch a leadership development initiative that will result in WGM having an abundance of well qualified and seasoned individuals capable of leading at various levels within WGM. Although it may take up to 10 years to see the full fruit of this leadership development initiative, our objective will be to have the initiative designed and implemented at full strength within three years.

  • Proactively promote health throughout the organization

As we are increasing our impact capacity, we will identify and implement healthy systems and practices that will support healthy missionaries, healthy teams, healthy leaders, and a healthy organization.

  • Grow and diversify revenue streams

We will focus on developing new and increased sources of funding for the general Mission, missional projects, and missionary endeavors.

  • Connect people’s passions to God’s mission

WGM will clearly communicate its commitment to come alongside individuals to help them discover their unique gifts and calling, connecting their passion with God’s heart for the world and helping them discern their active role in God’s redemptive plan for the world.

  • Optimize organizational systems and capacity

We will review existing systems and logistics at every level to determine where reorganization and/or expansion is necessary in order to accommodate the growth of the Mission and the increase in the number of missionaries.

  • Develop healthy partnerships

We will intentionally and prayerfully maximize our current partnerships and identify and build relationships with other organizations for greater kingdom impact.

Who We Are
World Gospel Mission engages Christlike disciples to transform the world.
Para español, haga clic aquí.

Transformed people transforming communities to transform the world.

Our philosophy of ministry is all about sending transformed people into the communities of the world so they can be instruments in the hands of God to bring about transformation.

God has always used His “called out” ones to transform the world. He first transforms their lives and then calls them out to go into a lost world to transform others.

 In Joel 2:28, He promised to pour out His Spirit unto us, and, as a result, our young men and women will see visions and our old men and women will dream dreams.

God has given us a dream! This dream is to double the impact of World Gospel Mission in the next five years. Our impact is measured in the transformation of lives. In order to be true to our Vision Statement, this will mean that we will need to place more transformed people in communities around our globe. Doubling our impact will mean that we will need to double the number of missionaries.

Statement of Faith

We believe:

  • in the absolute authority of the Bible.
  • in one God, eternally existent in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
  • in the full humanity and the full divinity of Jesus Christ.
  • that faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is essential for the salvation of the human soul.
  • in the present and personal ministry of the Holy Spirit, purifying and enabling Christians to live holy lives.
  • all people have sinned.
  • God created man in His own image to reflect His glory.
  • that the Church is the body of Christ made up of all who trust in and obey Him.
  • that the Church’s purpose is to worship God, reach those without Christ, and nurture believers.
  • in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and in the resurrection of all who believe in Him to life eternal.
  • in Jesus Christ’s personal return in power and glory.

View WGM's complete Statement of Faith here

Core Values
  • Passionate Prayer

We will pray, knowing that God will answer our prayers.We will pray for more workers, for His guidance and provision in our lives and ministries, and for the pouring out of His empowering Spirit to accomplish His will.

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7 NKJV)

“Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” (Luke 10:2 ESV)

We will not settle for less than passionate, faith-filled prayer.

  • Personal Holiness

We will live the lives that God intends us to live—lives that are victorious over sin—and we will seek to lead others into this scriptural Christlike lifestyle.

“Be ye holy; for I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:16b KJV)

“…present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice…. And do not be conformed to this world….” (Romans 12:1,2 NASB)

We will not settle for less than fully surrendered, Christlike lives.

  • Stewardship with Accountability

We will use His resources for the purposes He intends. This is a call to excellence. This is a call to the development and sustainability of those resources which God entrusts to us.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord.” (Colossians 3:23 NIV)

We will not settle for less than the best use of God’s resources.

  • Wholistic Transformation

We will allow the Holy Spirit to transform our lives, the lives of those we touch and their communities, and the world in which we live.

“…but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:2 NASB)

We will not settle for less than total transformation.

Board of Directors

Dedicated men and women are using the talents the Lord has given them to help WGM mobilize people to transform the world for Christ. Pray for these godly leaders as they uphold WGM’s Vision, Statement of Faith, Strategic Initiatives, and Core Values with the goal of doubling our impact around the globe.

List of WGM's Board of Directors

How We Work
WGM has implemented the following strategic initiatives as part of our ministry philosophy.
Para español, haga clic aquí.
WGM is working to significantly increase the number of international missionary staff, headquarters personnel, Board of Directors members, and field leaders. This is key to maintaining sustainable ministries and multiplying efforts to share the gospel. We look forward to the joys and challenges of working as an internationally led organization.
Community Transformation
Ministries that reach out to the whole person—physically and spiritually—have long been a feature of WGM’s work. Now, we seek to integrate the concept of whole-person transformation into the heart and soul of all locations, using a wholistic—yes, we chose this spelling intentionally—approach to ministry to effect community transformation. Working with local churches and local community leaders, we help to facilitate community outreach. WGM is in the process of training all missionaries in these principles.
Ministry Partner Strategy
As a faith-based organization, WGM relies on faithful ministry partners who are passionate about the cause of worldwide missions. Our global workers have adopted a strategy of transformational discipleship that engages their ministry partner teams on a deeper level that goes far beyond a financial transaction. In this model, both the partner and our global workers grow and are enriched as they work together to fulfill the Great Commission.
Strategic Initiatives
  • Focus on prayer

We will renew our focus on equipping WGM and its constituency for individual and corporate prayer that is passionate and faith-filled.

  • Attract and retain missionaries

We will increase our recruiting efforts and systems to the level necessary to grow the number of fully qualified, healthy, and engaged missionaries. This will include seeking missionaries from an ever-increasing pool of potential candidates, including missionaries from around the world.

  • Grow and disciple leaders

We will launch a leadership development initiative that will result in WGM having an abundance of well qualified and seasoned individuals capable of leading at various levels within WGM. Although it may take up to 10 years to see the full fruit of this leadership development initiative, our objective will be to have the initiative designed and implemented at full strength within three years.

  • Proactively promote health throughout the organization

As we are increasing our impact capacity, we will identify and implement healthy systems and practices that will support healthy missionaries, healthy teams, healthy leaders, and a healthy organization.

  • Grow and diversify revenue streams

We will focus on developing new and increased sources of funding for the general Mission, missional projects, and missionary endeavors.

  • Connect people’s passions to God’s mission

WGM will clearly communicate its commitment to come alongside individuals to help them discover their unique gifts and calling, connecting their passion with God’s heart for the world and helping them discern their active role in God’s redemptive plan for the world.

  • Optimize organizational systems and capacity

We will review existing systems and logistics at every level to determine where reorganization and/or expansion is necessary in order to accommodate the growth of the Mission and the increase in the number of missionaries.

  • Develop healthy partnerships

We will intentionally and prayerfully maximize our current partnerships and identify and build relationships with other organizations for greater kingdom impact.

We seek to help you live at the intersection of your passion
and God’s heart.
History of WGM
Annual Report
Job Opportunities


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the logo for Gospel Mobilization
the logo for Mission Excellence
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