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Sustained by Prayer

Why do we pray?

Jesus invites us into a life of prayer modeled after His own. Throughout the Gospels, we see Jesus pulling away from the crowds to be alone with the Father. WGM has followed this example from day one. We were founded on prayer, and it has paved the way for us over the last century. We can attest that through passionate and faith-filled prayer, the kingdom of God is established on this earth just as it is in heaven. Join us and see for yourself how God will move in response to your prayers.

Why do we pray?

Jesus invites us into a life of prayer modeled after His own. Throughout the Gospels, we see Jesus pulling away from the crowds to be alone with the Father. WGM has followed this example from day one. We were founded on prayer, and it has paved the way for us over the last century. We can attest that through passionate and faith-filled prayer, the kingdom of God is established on this earth just as it is in heaven. Join us and see for yourself how God will move in response to your prayers.

"May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven." Matthew 6:10 (NLT)

Pray With Us

Luke 10:2 Challenge
Every day at 10:02, we ask the Lord to send more workers to spread His Good News. Help further God's kingdom here on earth.
Join the challenge.
A cell phone
Text to Pray
Holy and humble prayers change the world.Join the movement by texting
Prayer Lifeline
Each month you can receive an email update from us containing prayer points to help you lift up WGM’s ministries in prayer.
Sign up today.
The Approach
We want to equip you to approach God through passionate prayer. We’ve launched a podcast to do just that.
Listen here.

Prayer Resources

Using any device, you can learn more about people groups all over the world—near or far. Whether God has given you a heart for Chicago or a people group in the Middle East, this free resource can educate and mobilize you with tangible prayer steps.
Stand in the gap between God and unreached people groups around the world by downloading the Unreached of the Day app. You’ll learn about people groups all over the world who do not have access to the Gospel, and you’ll learn how you can pray specifically for each group. 
Lectio 365
This free mobile app provides daily devotions that you can read or listen to. You’ll be walked through four steps, known as P.R.A.Y: Pause, Reflect, Ask, Yield.
Accessible on your phone, tablet, or computer, you can read daily devotionals, watch their Seven Minute Seminary videos, and explore other resources—many of which are free—to enhance your walk with Jesus.

Pray With Us

Luke 10:2 Challenge
Every day at 10:02, we ask the Lord to send more workers to spread His Good News. Help further God's kingdom here on earth.
Join the challenge.
A cell phone
Text to Pray
Holy and humble prayers change the world.Join the movement by texting
Prayer Lifeline
Each month you can receive an email update from us containing prayer points to help you lift up WGM’s ministries in prayer.
Sign up today.
The Approach
We want to equip you to approach God through passionate prayer. We’ve launched a podcast to do just that.
Listen here.

Prayer Resources

Using any device, you can learn more about people groups all over the world—near or far. Whether God has given you a heart for Chicago or a people group in the Middle East, this free resource can educate and mobilize you with tangible prayer steps.
Stand in the gap between God and unreached people groups around the world by downloading the Unreached of the Day app. You’ll learn about people groups all over the world who do not have access to the Gospel, and you’ll learn how you can pray specifically for each group. 
Lectio 365
This free mobile app provides daily devotions that you can read or listen to. You’ll be walked through four steps, known as P.R.A.Y: Pause, Reflect, Ask, Yield.
Accessible on your phone, tablet, or computer, you can read daily devotionals, watch their Seven Minute Seminary videos, and explore other resources—many of which are free—to enhance your walk with Jesus.

Support a Missionary
Global Impact Fund
Advancing the Great Commission through your partnership.