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Do You Feel Called to Be a Missionary?

Do you feel called to be a missionary?

Can I Be a Missionary?

You may think that it takes a special person to become a missionary. However, missionaries are regular people just like you who said yes to God and stepped into their role in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16–20).

Do you feel God calling you to serve in missions? Whether in your city, across the country, or across the ocean, Jesus is drawing people to go and share the Good News both near and far (Acts 1:8). For over 100 years, WGM has equipped Christlike disciples to serve in cross-cultural ministry. God is moving in amazing ways, and the task is not yet finished. You can find your place in the story of redemption He is writing all around the world!

Can I Be a Missionary?

You may think that it takes a special person to become a missionary. However, missionaries are regular people just like you who said yes to God and stepped into their role in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16–20).

Do you feel God calling you to serve in missions? Whether in your city, across the country, or across the ocean, Jesus is drawing people to go and share the Good News both near and far (Acts 1:8). For over 100 years, WGM has equipped Christlike disciples to serve in cross-cultural ministry. God is moving in amazing ways, and the task is not yet finished. You can find your place in the story of redemption He is writing all around the world!

But how can they believe in Jesus if they have not heard of Him?

The Opportunity

But how can they believe in Jesus if they have not heard of Him (Romans 10:14)? And how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them? God’s plan is to bring people back into relationship with Him, and you can be a part of that plan.

WGM’s mission is to engage Christlike disciples to transform the world. We do this by partnering with you and your church to train and equip you to serve in cross-cultural ministry. We know serving in a different cultural can be daunting, and we want to help you take that next step, whatever it may be.

The Opportunity

But how can they believe in Jesus if they have not heard of Him (Romans 10:14)? And how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them? God’s plan is to bring people back into relationship with Him, and you can be a part of that plan.

WGM’s mission is to engage Christlike disciples to transform the world. We do this by partnering with you and your church to train and equip you to serve in cross-cultural ministry. We know serving in a different cultural can be daunting, and we want to help you take that next step, whatever it may be.

The World

There are 7.9 billion people in the world

The Decision

5.6 billion have not made a decision for Christ
The Journey

You can make Christ known

What It Looks Like to Be a Missionary

Your role as a missionary can look very different depending on what God has called you to. The world is full of diverse people and cultures, and you have a unique set of skills, life experience, and passions that God wants to use to help bring others into relationship with Him. Whether through education, business, the arts, healthcare, or anything in between, God will use that to help transform individuals and communities as you share Jesus with others. Some specific examples include: educators, families, medical professionals, maintenance personnel, counselors, church planters, and accountants.

What It Looks Like to Be a Missionary

Your role as a missionary can look very different depending on what God has called you to. The world is full of diverse people and cultures, and you have a unique set of skills, life experience, and passions that God wants to use to help bring others into relationship with Him. Whether through education, business, the arts, healthcare, or anything in between, God will use that to help transform individuals and communities as you share Jesus with others. Some specific examples include: educators, families, medical professionals, maintenance personnel, counselors, church planters, and accountants.


What role will you take?


Your Role as a Missionary

We believe people from every nation, tribe, and language will one day stand before the Lamb (Revelation 7:9). We know how the story ends, but we’re not there yet.

Perhaps you are looking to serve on a team, partnering with a long-term missionary and local church. Or maybe Jesus is asking you to serve a summer, a year, or even longer, working alongside local believers and non-believers in a different culture.

For over 100 years, WGM has been helping people like you serve as missionaries. We’d love to go on the journey with you.

Your Role as a Missionary

We believe people from every nation, tribe, and language will one day stand before the Lamb (Revelation 7:9). We know how the story ends, but we’re not there yet.

Perhaps you are looking to serve on a team, partnering with a long-term missionary and local church. Or maybe Jesus is asking you to serve a summer, a year, or even longer, working alongside local believers and non-believers in a different culture.

For over 100 years, WGM has been helping people like you serve as missionaries. We’d love to go on the journey with you.

We’d love to go on the journey with you!

We’d love to go on the journey with you!

Support a Missionary
Global Impact Fund
Advancing the Great Commission through your partnership.