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WGM Stories

What's your story?

Since 1910, we have been helping people find the intersection of their passion and God’s heart. In this we have amassed stories of triumph, pain, transformation, tragedy, and new life in Christ. These stand as pivotal testimonies of the power of His love. Below you have the opportunity to celebrate, with us, stories that cross time and space, some of which may be similar to yours. All of these stories demonstrate God’s heart for the world and His mighty works of redemption.
On this blog, we ask real questions, tell stories about real people in action, inform, and show practical ways that anyone—yes, anyone—can do missions.
The Call
The Call is World Gospel Mission's official publication. It exists to encourage readers to live actively as missionaries wherever they are. Our hope is that this publication will inspire and challenge you to pursue God's best for you.
Heroes of the Faith
Our retired missionaries are heroes of the faith. Their work has led to transformed lives and salvation for people in darkness. Let their stories inspire you, and in response, we ask you to consider what your legacy will be.
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Global Impact Fund
Advancing the Great Commission through your partnership.