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The Call

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31 Oct 23
Kateland Vernon
Prayer Guide: The Call 2023–2024
Our prayers are vital for the current state of missions, as well as the future.
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31 Oct 23
Dr. Dan Schafer
President’s Perspective: A Unified Mission
I’m filled with incredible hope for the future of WGM and the impact of its missionaries reaching the lost around the world.
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31 Oct 23
Rev. Ned McGrady
Finding Rest in a Fast-Paced World
Are you longing for more restful rhythms in your life? Learn how to create space for them.
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31 Oct 23
in Japan, Kenya, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Uganda
The Call: 2023–2024
Read The Call in magazine format.
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31 Oct 23
Shea Brown
in Kenya, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Uganda
The Power of Speaking to the Heart
Several WGM missionaries are helping translate the Word of God into their neighbors’ heart languages.
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31 Oct 23
Brandon Kuba
in Japan
Why Do You Have So Much Hope?
Brandon wasn’t sure how he could minister to Ms. Ishimoto, his devout Buddhist neighbor, but God made a path.
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