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The Call

Clear Filters
31 Oct 23
Gabe Ernst
in Paraguay
Two Kinds of Water
God used a short-term team to bring both literal and eternal water to a village in Paraguay.
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12 Sep 23
Zander Kappo
The Light Being Sent
It was the interrogation we knew was coming. This wasn’t a formality or a warning. We had ten days to move out of the country.
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03 Mar 23
Yurie Kadoya
in Japan
The Courage to Share Burdens with Others
A church in Japan shows the love of Jesus by caring for a member.
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09 Dec 22
Jace Martin
Prayer Life A Life of Prayer
How can we turn our prayer life into a life full of prayer?
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07 Dec 22
Gabe Ernst
in Paraguay
The End of the Line
The Lord was giving me a sense of peace in the unknown when I could have been overcome with fear or anxiety.
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02 Dec 22
Dr. Dan Schafer
President’s Perspective: The Rest of the Story
Dr. Dan Schafer, President
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