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The Multiplication Initiative

Your desire is to see your church’s global impact multiplied. But you’re wondering where to start. We’re here to journey with you.

The Multiplication Initiative is a focus of World Gospel Mission, coming alongside churches and camp meetings as they seek to fulfill their role in the Great Commission. Through various resources, community, and meaningful conversation, WGM believes that, together, we can multiply your impact for the kingdom.

The Multiplication Initiative

Your desire is to see your church’s global impact multiplied. But you’re wondering where to start. We’re here to journey with you.

The Multiplication Initiative is a focus of World Gospel Mission, coming alongside churches and camp meetings as they seek to fulfill their role in the Great Commission. Through various resources, community, and meaningful conversation, WGM believes that, together, we can multiply your impact for the kingdom.

What does a partnership between you and WGM look like?

WGM: With more than 100 years of experience, WGM has the resources to come alongside you as you make strides for the kingdom.  

The Church: The command in Acts 1:8 to go to the ends of the earth was for the church, not just individuals. The church is the cornerstone of the Great Commission, and we want to help you fulfill this mission.

The People: The church can’t fulfill the mission without the people. The Multiplication Initiative comes with a call of personal responsibility to engage the world.

The World: The end goal of God’s mission is our mission, and your mission, too. The command doesn’t end in our backyard: it’s for the world.

What does a partnership between you and WGM look like?

WGM: With more than 100 years of experience, WGM has the resources to come alongside you as you make strides for the kingdom.  

The Church: The command in Acts 1:8 to go to the ends of the earth was for the church, not just individuals. The church is the cornerstone of the Great Commission, and we want to help you fulfill this mission.

The People: The church can’t fulfill the mission without the people. The Multiplication Initiative comes with a call of personal responsibility to engage the world.

The World: The end goal of God’s mission is our mission, and your mission, too. The command doesn’t end in our backyard: it’s for the world.

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Global Impact Fund
Advancing the Great Commission through your partnership.