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Luis and Laura Artoni

ID: 01297, Region: Europe
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As a family, we understand that the key to missions is obedience.

God called His people to be a light to the nations. That is why we always pray for unreached peoples. We believe that the best way to use our lives is to live in the places where Jesus is most needed, where God's people are a minority.

Before moving to Albania, we lived in Guinea Bissau, Africa. There, we were able to open a soccer school, a kindergarten, and a bakery in the local village. From there, God called us to serve in Turkey, where we spent four years sharing the love of Christ with Muslims through working in a soccer club for the blind.

Having seen that sports is an effective tool that can open doors and hearts to share the message of salvation, we have continued to forge new friendships through sports, as well as serving children and families through our community center and working in the disability community.

Luis serves as the head coach of Albania’s national amputee football team, the trainer of the Jeta (Life) Center’s youth futbol club, and has assisted with Special Olympics basketball. Laura serves as the assistant director of VT Albania, a day program serving young adults with physical and intellectual disabilities. In addition, their family serves their community through active involvement in their local emerging church.

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