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Discovery Experience

You are at a crossroad in life. You believe God is calling you to serve him in ministry, but you aren’t sure what ministry he is calling you to. WGM’s Discovery Experience helps you discover who God created you to be and helps you discern where your gifts and talents make the greatest kingdom impact.

You are at a crossroad in life. You believe God is calling you to serve him in ministry, but you aren’t sure what ministry he is calling you to. WGM’s Discovery Experience helps you discover who God created you to be and helps you discern where your gifts and talents make the greatest kingdom impact.

You are at a crossroad in life. You believe God is calling you to serve him in ministry, but you aren’t sure what ministry he is calling you to. WGM’s Discovery Experience helps you discover who God created you to be and helps you discern where your gifts and talents make the greatest kingdom impact.

What can I expect?

You will go on a journey to discover where God is calling you to serve him. Along the way you will:

Icon of a growing plant

Grow with God
Encounter Jesus in a real and personal way; establish a deeper understanding of the Bible.

Icon with two people and an oval starting and ending in the first person encircling the second person

Know yourself
God has created you with a unique personality, talents, and a desire to use them for kingdom impact. 

Icon of three people in a row with their arm over the shoulder of the person next to them

Love others
Learn how to engage in healthy community with others.

An icon with three rows of three empty dots. The top right dot is filled with white

Make a differenceBe the hands and feet of Jesus as you serve the needs in the community.

An icon with a person looking at a path leading to a triangular flag on a pole.

Discover your calling
Participate in weekly mentor meetings focused on helping you discern your role in the Great Commission.

What can I expect?

You will go on a journey to discover where God is calling you to serve him. Along the way you will:

Icon of a growing plant

Grow with GodEncounter Jesus in a real and personal way; establish a deeper understanding of the Bible.

Icon with two people and an oval starting and ending in the first person encircling the second person

Know yourselfGod has created you with a unique personality, talents, and a desire to use them for kingdom impact. 

Icon of three people in a row with their arm over the shoulder of the person next to them

Love othersLearn how to engage in healthy community with others.

An icon with three rows of three empty dots. The top right dot is filled with white

Make a differenceBe the hands and feet of Jesus as you serve the needs in the community.

An icon with a person looking at a path leading to a triangular flag on a pole.

Make a differenceBe the hands and feet of Jesus as you serve the needs in the community.

Why should you join?

God has put a desire in your heart to share the love of Jesus, and you desire the opportunity to put your faith into action. Let us help you explore the many ways God is at work and discover where your passions intersect with God’s mission. Discovery Experience is an immersive ministry experience that will provide you with hands-on ministry opportunities combined with the personal mentorship that will help you find your role in the Great Commission.

Discover Your Call

Join us for a semester you’ll never forget.

Discover Your Call

Join us for a semester you’ll never forget.

Quick Facts

How do I apply?
How will this program develop you?

Discovery Experience focuses on providing residences with immersive experiences in ministry with weekly mentoring sessions that help them unpack their experiences.

Focus: Personal

  • Personality assessment 
  • Discover gifts and talents 
  • Develop life skills 
  • One-on-one mentorships 
  • Explore ministry opportunities  

Focus: Experience

  • Volunteering in various ministries associated with WGM Southwest Ministries & Christian Community Center (C3)
  • Using your gifts and talents to make a kingdom impact in a ministry 
What will it cost? What is covered? What is not covered?
What will it cost?
  • Semester: $5,000
  • Year: $10,000
  • BU @ WGM Discovery: $7,500
    * Requires enrollment in Bethel University.

What is covered/not covered?

  • Covers lodging, program activities, and a $350/month stipend for food and living expenses. Participants are responsible for their own transportation to and from the community center.

Scholarships are available!

What does a typical week look like?
Each week will be unique. Typically, Mondays through Thursdays are focused on service and workshop/trainings. Fridays are a flexible day where you meet with your mentor and get prepared for weekend events if they are scheduled. Weekends will be free unless ministry is scheduled.
Start and end?
  • Fall Semester: August 17–December 6, 2024
  • Spring Semester: January 11–May 2, 2025
Credits toward university?
WGM’s Discovery Experience is focused on providing immersive experiences in ministry application. We are proud to partner with Bethel University (Indiana) to offer fully accredited associate and bachelor degrees through BU @ WGM Discovery.

Not interested in earning credits? Our semester and year-long opportunities provide the same immersive experience with more time to serve.
What age range is this for?
Discovery Experience is for single young adults between the ages of 18–22.

Quick Facts

How do I apply?
How will this program develop you?

Discovery Experience focuses on providing residences with immersive experiences in ministry with weekly mentoring sessions that help them unpack their experiences.

Focus: Personal

  • Personality assessment 
  • Discover gifts and talents 
  • Develop life skills 
  • One-on-one mentorships 
  • Explore ministry opportunities  

Focus: Experience

  • Volunteering in various ministries associated with WGM Southwest Ministries & Christian Community Center (C3)
  • Using your gifts and talents to make a kingdom impact in a ministry 
What will it cost? What is covered? What is not covered?
What will it cost?
  • Semester: $5,000
  • Year: $10,000
  • BU @ WGM Discovery: $7,500
    * Requires enrollment in Bethel University.

What is covered/not covered?

  • Covers lodging, program activities, and a $350/month stipend for food and living expenses. Participants are responsible for their own transportation to and from the community center.

Scholarships are available!

What does a typical week look like?
Each week will be unique. Typically, Mondays through Thursdays are focused on service and workshop/trainings. Fridays are a flexible day where you meet with your mentor and get prepared for weekend events if they are scheduled. Weekends will be free unless ministry is scheduled.
Start and end?
  • Fall Semester: August 17–December 6, 2024
  • Spring Semester: January 11–May 2, 2025
Credits toward university?
WGM’s Discovery Experience is focused on providing immersive experiences in ministry application. We are proud to partner with Bethel University (Indiana) to offer fully accredited associate and bachelor degrees through BU @ WGM Discovery.

Not interested in earning credits? Our semester and year-long opportunities provide the same immersive experience with more time to serve.
What age range is this for?
Discovery Experience is for single young adults between the ages of 18–22.
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Global Impact Fund
Advancing the Great Commission through your partnership.