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Hannah Johnson

ID: 15258, Region: South America
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God called me to the mission field and to working with children in many ways throughout my life. The earliest memory I have of this calling is the passion for sending Christmas Shoeboxes to kids around the world. Once I moved to college, I participated in a missions training program called the HEART Village. After completing the program, I felt like God was leading me to more. The summer before my senior year of college I took a six-week trip with WGM to Bolivia. I spent time volunteering at the Santa Cruz Christian Learning Center (SCCLC) and seeing what life was like on the mission field. 

These combined experiences led to a commitment to serving long-term globally, first in a classroom and now in discipleship ministry. The Lord continues to call me closer to Him. 

God has given me a passion for listening to others and helping them walk closer to Him through discipleship. In Paraguay, only 8% of the population is evangelical Christians. Within our WGM national church, eight church congregations and their pastors need our encouragement and support. I hope to encourage people in Paraguay and help them as they discover their personal calling and grow closer in their relationship with the Lord.

Join the Team

I am praying for 51 people, churches, or organizations to partner with me.

The following table details the number of financial partners needed to reach my personal and ministry support goals.

financial partner $400 monthly
financial partner $300 monthly
financial partner $200 monthly
financial partnerfinancial partner $150 monthly
financial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partner $100 monthly
financial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partner $75 monthly
financial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partner $50 monthly
financial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partner $25 monthly
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