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John W. “Bill” Moon

Building a firm foundation in Texas
"Either way I’m going to be a winner!"
By Rachel Elwood, Staff Writer, 2009

 “Either way I’m going to be a winner,” Bill said. “Either by winning over leukemia or winning by going to be with Jesus!”

There is no question that Bill is a winner. On April 14, 2009, he lost his six-month battle with leukemia, but he is walking and worshiping in the presence of his Savior today.

Bill was born on June 22, 1931, in Blockton, Iowa. His parents were not religious, but he began going to church on his own, eventually making a decision for Christ at the age of 19. He married Helen in 1951, and they raised six children on their farm in Iowa and also cared for 14 foster children. They exposed their family to missions and sharing the gospel, and two of their children, Don Moon and Mary Newman, are now missionaries with World Gospel Mission.

“We had so much fun on that old farm,” said Don. “It was hard work, but it was always fun working with Dad. He would always compliment us and encourage us, and he really had the ability to make others feel good.”

God began to lead Bill and Helen to serve Him on the mission field, and in 1989, they signed on with WGM as one-year volunteers at Escuela El Sembrador in Honduras. That short commitment got them hooked, and Bill and Helen have served with WGM for the last 20 years. They served in Honduras, Argentina, and most recently, McAllen, Texas, on the U.S./ Mexico border. In addition, they spent two summers at WGM’s headquarters in Marion, Indiana, sorting medical items to be shipped to Kenya and helping with maintenance. Bill’s easy-going, friendly manner endeared him to everyone who met him.

Bill was extremely instrumental in building the Taylor Community Center, which is used by Taylor Christian School and the community of McAllen. Bill patiently and persistently worked hard to obtain permits, took care of the paperwork, and managed the construction teams. The first phase of construction was completed under his watch. The school holds some classes, physical education, and other extracurricular activities in the building. During his illness, Bill remarked over and over, “At least the children can use it!”

“By the world’s standards, he didn’t leave much behind,” said Don. “But we know better! It’s been amazing to see the outpouring of love from Mom and Dad’s friends from around the world.”

We thank the Lord for leading Bill and Helen to WGM, and we are extremely grateful for their years of service. Our thoughts and prayers are with Helen as well as other family members and friends at this time.

“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal” (2 Corinthians 4:18 NIV). Bill’s friends and family all over the world may rejoice that he is now celebrating with his Lord and Savior.

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