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Billy Wayne and Jenny Fuller

Retired Missionaries to Zambia
"Determined and Hardworking"
By Tracy Dubois, Web Writer, June 2014

Riding in an airplane is one of those experiences people either love or hate. And for most people, the event includes sitting in a cramped seat waiting for your complimentary drink and pretzels to arrive. For Billy Wayne Fuller, his first ride in an airplane ended with him jumping out! Billy Wayne served in the U.S. Army as a paratrooper before joining the WGM family with his wife, Jenny, in January 1984.

Working in Africa certainly wasn’t on Jenny Fuller’s mind when she went to a church revival Billy Wayne in 1979. However, the Holy Spirit had other ideas. After three years of God softening, shaping, and molding them, Billy Wayne and Jenny answered His call to go to Africa.

Although his first flight was definitely a highlight, Billy Wayne was a passenger on many more planes that took him to these places in Kenya: Tenwek Hospital, Olderkesi, Africa Gospel Church Baby Center, and the Missions Staging Area in Salgaa. He has also ministered at Samfya Bible School in Zambia. During his years in Africa, Billy Wayne was involved in building, maintenance, evangelism, and development.

From volunteering at Tenwek to working full-time at Olderkesi, Jenny wore many hats as she has worked alongside other missionaries for the Lord. From being a wonderful cook and hostess, trip coordinator, and secretary to taking care of a crippled antelope for a friend’s daughter while hosting a large work team, Jenny always had what was needed

“Billy Wayne is extremely determined and hardworking, especially in the way he can make something happen in terms of building and development,” shared Jon Steury, who worked with Billy Wayne at Olderkesi and whose home Billy Wayne built. “He has constructed more buildings for WGM Kenya ministries than any other missionary and has contributed amazingly to the development of the infrastructure of the ministries of the Kenya Field.”

“She always has what you need—if you are on safari and need a cup of tea, somehow, Jenny produces a thermos of hot tea; somehow, she has the biscuits (cookies) to go with it, too,” Vera Steury said. “She has always been a good friend and was a good neighbor for the many years while we lived at Olderkesi. She loved our kids as a good missionary aunt!”

“I admire Billy Wayne for his love of the Lord and how he shared that with his coworkers at Olderkesi and others in the community,” Jon added. “He and Jenny are very caring people and went out of their way to give and care for the people.”

Billy Wayne and Jenny ministered and lived among the Maasai until 2006, marking some of Billy Wayne’s favorite memories. He said he was blessed to be able to build and start the Olderkesi Ministry Training Institute.

Although he retired in August 2012, he continued to serve in Zambia until Jenny retired in 2017. In July 2013, Billy Wayne helped remodel a medical clinic in Livingstone for the George W. Bush Foundation.

Women in Zambia can now be tested for cervical cancer, Kenyan orphans have a safe place to live, and the Maasai are receiving a biblical education all because of the dedicated efforts of Billy Wayne and Jenny Sue Fuller.

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