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Bob Hudson

Support Staff
"Funding the Workers"
By Rachel Elwood, Staff Writer, 2016

Bob Hudson was “supposed” to be a hog farmer. He wanted to make his family’s farm near Portland, Indiana, the largest hog producer in the state. His father died when Bob was just 13. Although he expected to spend his life farming, Bob was encouraged by a high school teacher to go to college.

After graduating from International Business College in Fort Wayne (Indiana), Bob was drafted into the army and was “supposed” to be sent to Korea. However, he ended up at a base in Alaska. When the officers learned of his education, they offered him the role of chaplain’s assistant. Although Bob was not a Christian, he responded, “If it’s an inside job, I’m your man.”

After being discharged from the army in 1956, Bob returned to Indiana. The first Sunday at home, he responded to the Holy Spirit’s call and accepted Christ as his Savior. He began dating Naomi Horn, and they were married in 1958.

Bob’s hog operation began to take shape and the farm grew. He worked as a school bus driver and later an accountant for a local factory during the day and worked on his farm in the evenings. He and Naomi had four young children and were settled in a comfortable home. Still, Bob had a growing sense that God had something bigger for their family.

Through a “Gideon’s fleece” process of seeking the Lord, Bob and Naomi approached WGM to see if there was a place for them. Bob became the treasurer in 1973 and served in that position for 25 years. At the time, WGM was in the process of moving the headquarters from an aging, cramped building in downtown Marion, Indiana, to a large campus east of town. Bob became a pivotal person in seeing this large venture come to fruition.

Naomi worked in accounting, and they had another child soon after moving to Marion. Sadly, Naomi passed away in 1981. The funeral was held, fittingly, at WGM’s headquarters.

During the difficult years that followed, Bob’s four other children rallied around to care for Daniel, who was just 4 years old at the time of Naomi’s death. Then, God brought a single missionary named Bonnie McCullough into Bob’s life. She had served in Kenya for 12 years and returned to the U.S. to work at headquarters. Mutual admiration blossomed into love, and the two were married in 1984. They continued in their roles at WGM, which also included starting the WGM Federal Credit Union (now part of VIA Credit Union).

Bob and Bonnie retired from WGM in 1998, but they served as volunteers on the American Indian Field and in Honduras and Kenya. In 2002, Bob and Bonnie moved to Avon Park, Florida, where they served with Avon Park Camp Meeting Association in helping with finances.

With deep appreciation, World Gospel Mission honors the memory of Bob Hudson for selflessly giving his gifts and talents to the Lord’s service. His witness and testimony have touched countless lives around the world for Jesus Christ.

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