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Brent Lindvall

Retired Support Staff
"I Have Always Felt God’s Hand."
By Kateland Vernon, Staff Writer, July 2021

If Brent Lindvall could say anything to his former self before beginning work at World Gospel Mission, it would be, “There will be challenges, but you will love it.” During the twenty-four years he served as WGM’s treasurer, Brent was able to see firsthand how God provides.

Brent grew up in a Christian home in northern Indiana, along with his four brothers and his sister. Their father was a banker, and he passed his interest in finances on to Brent, who pursued this calling at Purdue University. While there, Brent married Ellen, whom he had started dating in high school. They had both attended church their entire life, but neither had made a commitment to follow God yet.

One evening shortly after getting married, Brent and Ellen had a long conversation about faith with their new neighbors; afterwards, they decided that something had to change. They knelt by their bed and accepted Jesus as their personal Savior. As they grew in their faith, they developed friendships with other Christian couples at Purdue, and when two of the couples moved back to Marion, Indiana, after college, Brent and Ellen decided to move there, as well. A little over a decade and a handful of jobs later, God opened the door for Brent to become the treasurer at WGM.

“I have always felt God’s hand in providing the next opportunities,” Brent said. “Other than seeking employment with my initial job out of college, I never went looking for new employment.” Even before starting at WGM, Brent thought it would be a great place to work. When his current position with a nursing home management company was eliminated due to the sale of the business to a national chain, his employer happened to be a WGM board member; he approached Brent to see if he’d be willing to take over the role of treasurer, as the current treasurer was retiring soon. Brent hadn’t even had time to start looking for a new job before God provided one for him.

The past twenty-four years at WGM have helped Brent to “look through the eyes of others more.” He likes to share how God shows up in the financial details, and his enthusiasm is contagious. “When missionaries have issues or needs and they are in other parts of the world,” Brent said, “I like to think I helped make it easier for them.” Many coworkers and missionaries would attest that Brent has been extremely helpful to them over the years.

Though he wasn’t able to make frequent visits to WGM’s ministry locations, Brent loved the occasional chance to witness the work he supported from afar. One trip, though, stands out in Brent’s mind: a visit to Florida with Dennis Johnson and David (Daudi) Strong, both WGM missionaries, to bring donated buses back to Marion.

The trip started out with the three of them each driving a bus from Florida to Marion. After ten miles, Brent’s bus was having too many issues to continue, so they were down to two buses. The next day, the second bus started having issues, so they were down to one bus. Brent, Dennis, and Daudi packed into the third bus. The tire had some issues and the heater stopped working, so they were in for a bumpy and extremely cold ride. But Dennis and Daudi passed the time by telling story after story about life on the mission field. God used this trip to give Brent a newfound appreciation for missionaries and the sacrifices they make to live far away from their families.

Because of how he’s seen God provide throughout his lifetime, Brent has learned to put things in God’s hands. “I don’t tend to worry too much,” he said, citing Philippians 4:6–7 as an important verse that has impacted him: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (NIV).

Brent retired from his role as treasurer at the end of March 2021, though he continued volunteering in the Financial Services Department. When asked about his plans for retirement, Brent responded, “Grandkids, travel, woodworking, and whatever Ellen wants me to do,” which he quickly followed up with, “Probably not in that order.”

What started as a simple passion for finances has grown in Brent’s life to a passion for the kingdom. “Being part of something that spreads Jesus across the world is very gratifying,” he said. He’s seen God work in miraculous ways and gotten the chance to be a part of God’s plan for redemption. God has used him to impact the lives of not just coworkers and missionaries, but many others he may never even be aware of.

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