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Cheryl Bishir

(1954–2019) Support Staff
"Cheryl's prayer was always that through her testimony, lives would be touched and transformed for His glory. "
Compiled by Connor Owen, Support Staff, September 2019

Fashionista Cheryl Bishir narrowly made the cut when she landed a data entry position at WGM in 1975. Apparently the VP at the time had doubts about the length of her skirt, but those doubts were soon put to rest when Cheryl proved to be a competent, highly skilled member of the accounting team. She faithfully served the constituents of WGM, and she found real joy in being a listening ear and in helping the men and women who keep WGM going.

Cheryl loved playing practical jokes, and one of her favorites was announcing to the staff over the intercom that in recognition of their hard work, everyone could have a free soda compliments of Dr. Hermiz. She then followed it up with, “April Fools.” She was banned for life from the intercom (okay, not really) from then on after Tom recognized her voice.

Cheryl was also a positive force with WGM. Her contagious laughter was a bright spot in the office. And you knew with Cheryl that she genuinely cared for those around her, as she never hesitated to send a friend or co-worker an email or card containing an encouraging message.

Cheryl faithfully served at WGM for forty-four years. During that time, she worked in predominantly in Donor Services—with both missionaries and donors. Many donors looked forward to talking with Cheryl when they would call in with questions about missionary support. It was Cheryl’s compassionate heart that drew donors and missionaries to her. They knew they’d receive the help they needed, all while Cheryl treated them kindly. She constantly strove to be excellent—looking for solutions that would benefit everyone involved.

In her spare time, Cheryl enjoyed spending time with her kids, grandkids, vacationing in Michigan, planting flowers, attending family get-togethers, and sitting on the back-porch swing with a good book or magazine.

On September 18, 2019, Cheryl passed away. For Cheryl, her prayer was always that through her testimony, lives would be touched and transformed for His glory. Her decades of faithful service to God touched many lives for the kingdom. World Gospel Mission joins with Cheryl’s friends and family in celebrating her lifetime of faithful service to the Lord. “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal” (2 Corinthians 4:18 NIV).

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