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David Kellogg

Opening the Word in Kenya
"The Lord does not call you to be one specific thing. You have to be pliable, and God will direct your life."
By Rachel Elwood, Staff Writer, 2016

David and Helen Kellogg accepted David’s call into missionary service with a philosophic “was called, will go, and we’ll find out what it’s like when we get there.” In a 2011 interview, David said, “The Lord does not call you to be one specific thing. You have to be pliable, and God will direct your life.”

David was born in 1927, in Chicago, Illinois. When he was six weeks old, David’s parents moved the family to Wenatchee, Washington. Both of his parents were active in the church. His father worked in business but eventually planted a local community church. David came to know Christ at a young age and became exposed to missions as a teenager. He was greatly influenced by the testimony of Leona Aggola, a former missionary to China with WGM. Her story so impacted him that he began raising funds to help support her work in China.

After high school, David attended Vennard College (Iowa), where God called him to missions. David transferred to Cascade College in Portland, Oregon, where Helen was also a student, majoring in voice. During her sophomore year, she started giving voice lessons, and one of those students was David. Soon they started dating, and they were married in 1949. They were blessed with three children: Stephen, Rebecca, and Paul.

In 1951, WGM appointed them to Kenya, and they arrived there in 1953. David worked briefly in a pastoral position, but found he had a hidden talent for working in business and finances. He eventually opened and managed the Bethany Bookshop in Nakuru. He enjoyed interacting with customers, helping the business succeed while distributing Christian literature, and mentoring Kenyan workers. Helen taught English and music, and she also started women’s meetings and Vacation Bible School programs.

David and Helen returned to the U.S. in 1973 when David was offered a position at WGM headquarters. They moved to Marion, Indiana, where David became vice president of Business and Management for WGM. In 1993, David and Helen retired after 42 years of service and moved back to Washington, where God continued to use them. Helen gave music and voice lessons, and David led a Bible study group in their church.

World Gospel Mission is grateful for David’s years of service and commitment to leading people to a knowledge of Jesus Christ. “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal” (2 Corinthians 4:18 NIV). David truly fixed his eyes on the eternal, and we rejoice that he is in God’s presence today.

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