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Dale and Glenna Dorothy

Retired Support Staff
By Brandi Tevebaugh, Intern, August 2011

After a missionary service at Vennard College (Iowa) in 1965, Dale Dorothy couldn’t wait to tell his fiancé that he had gone to the altar to pray that night and felt God calling him to the mission field. Glenna smiled as she listened to him, and then she told him that she had gone to the altar as well and had also been called to missions. That night, the two of them began a lifetime of service to the Lord.

Dale was born and raised in rural Stockport, Iowa. He was saved at an early age while attending a one-room church every Sunday with his family. Glenna was born and raised in Little Rock, Arkansas. She accepted Christ as her Savior at a youth conference at Vennard in 1960, and a few months later, she sensed God calling her to full-time Christian service. Later at Vennard, both Dale and Glenna experienced the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit. During Glenna’s freshman year, God once again spoke and showed her she was to be a minister’s wife. She did not share this with anyone, but kept it close to her heart.

Dale and Glenna were married on June 5, 1965, and spent two months in Bolivia with WGM as part of the Summer Career Corp (now the Volunteers In Action program). In 1967, they were appointed as career missionaries to Haiti.

After a year of language school in the capital city of Port-au-Prince, Dale served as the field director and Glenna began serving as the field treasurer. They both taught in the Bible school while living in the town of Jeremie, about a nine-hour drive from Port-au-Prince. Later, Dale and Glenna were involved in church planting in the Central Plateau, an area that was strong in voodooism. While there, Dale was elected as the chairman of the combined work of the Association of Mission Churches. He also taught Theological Education by Extension classes, and Glenna taught English classes.

In 1976 while they were in the U.S., the couple was blessed with the birth of their daughter, Melinda, who would be later joined by their son, Christopher, born in Haiti in 1981. They relocated to La Jeune, where the camp, training facilities, Radio Lumière, and medical clinics were located. Glenna continued to serve as the bookkeeper and hostess and also helped begin an effective women’s ministry. Dale continued serving as the Haiti field director and advisor to the Haitian church, often visiting churches and holding evangelistic services, many of which were broadcast live over Radio Lumière. After 16 years of service in Haiti, Dale and Glenna returned to the United States in 1983 to begin a new ministry at WGM headquarters.

Dale served as the coordinator of the North American fields while Glenna served in field accounting. She helped develop a field computer accounting system, which she implemented on the fields before she retired in 2004 after 37 years of service. Dale served in various administrative positions, including vice president of Public Ministries, interim president, executive vice president, and director of Pastoral Ministries. Dale retired in 2009 after 42 years of service.

Now serving as volunteer international missionary pastors, Dale and Glenna continue to minister to missionaries in Mexico and Honduras and on the American Indian Field. They live in Marion, Indiana.

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