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Joyce Benbow

Retired Support Staff
"A Job with Eternal Value"
By Rachel Elwood, Staff Writer, May 2016

When you think of someone who performs her job with excellence, Joyce Benbow should come to your mind. With attention to detail, a thorough knowledge of copyediting, and a commitment to creating quality work, Joyce was one of World Gospel Mission’s most valued workers for 27 years.

Joyce was raised in the small town of Bellaire, Michigan, by parents who were committed Christians and who brought her and her two older siblings up in the church. She had always done well in spelling and English in school, and in high school she did some of her best work in business classes. Joyce decided to pursue business as a career, majoring in that field while attending Marion College (now Indiana Wesleyan University). She later met her husband, Ron, and the two were married and settled in Marion. They have one son, Ryan.

After graduating from college, Joyce’s first job was in the World Missions Department at The Wesleyan Church headquarters, which was then in Marion. She then worked at Dunn Water Conditioning in the office, eventually becoming office manager. Several years later, Joyce began praying for a job that had eternal value. Soon, her pastor called to tell her that a part-time editing job was open at WGM. It seemed like it would be a great fit for Joyce, so she applied, was interviewed by Peggy Bushong, and the job was hers. She thanks the Lord for answering her prayer.

Joyce’s pride and joy was The Call magazine. From planning the themes of the issues to massaging articles submitted by missionaries, she loved making sure the message of the magazine was clear and error free. She also enjoyed working with missionaries on their prayer letters and prayer cards. One of her all-time highlights was the Global Link Department's trip to Peru, where the team saw the missionaries in action, met national partners, and visited Machu Picchu. Climbing Wayna Picchu, the mountain that overlooks the city, was quite the adventure to remember!

Always one to seek out ways to minister to others, Joyce took the lead on Global Link’s Person of the Week ministry. Every week, she sent a bag of goodies and a card that the team had signed to someone who had been designated Person of the Week. She also contacted them to ask for prayer requests that the team prays over during weekly prayer time.

As Joyce looks forward to retirement, she hopes to find volunteer opportunities or a service outlet so she can continue to help others in practical ways.

Joyce officially retired from WGM on March 31, 2016, following 27 years of faithful service. The WGM family thanks her for her godly witness, sense of humor, and excellent work. Joyce truly made an eternal impact at WGM headquarters and around the world.

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