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Darrel Laman

Retired Support Staff
"It’s always nice to go home."
By Rachel Elwood, June 2018

Darrel Laman’s story with WGM started with his wife, Carol, before they even met. She felt God’s call to be a missionary and wrote to WGM at her pastor’s suggestion. Unfortunately, WGM misplaced her contact letter and didn’t respond to her until two years later, just after she and Darrel were married. The following year in 1978, they attended the International Celebration of Missions and learned of a need for an accountant to serve in Kenya. Darrel and Carol applied and were appointed as missionaries there in 1979.

Two years later, after a year at Circleville Bible College and a year working in the Accounting Department at WGM headquarters, they arrived in Kenya for their first term of service. While in Kenya, Darrel served with great distinction as the field treasurer. In 2003, after 22 years in Nakuru, they returned permanently to the U.S., and Darrel joined the Financial Services Department at headquarters.

Fay Turnbull shares, “He was one of the best field treasurers (on one of our largest fields) that WGM has ever had. I appreciate Darrel’s tranquil personality. He has a way of tackling problems with a logical solution. Although Darrel is normally very quiet, he can surprise you with his sense of humor when you least expect it.”

Darrel’s combined missionary experience, along with his time at headquarters, made him an invaluable member of the Financial Services team because of his unique understanding of both the field and the office. He made audit trips to Kenya, Uganda, Honduras, Bolivia, and Argentina, but his favorite place to go is Kenya, because, “It’s always nice to go home.”

Darrel and Carol adopted their daughter, Galya, from Russia in 1995. Darrel, Carol and Galya all volunteer at their local church. Carol also volunteers at the Marion Heart Center. In his spare time, Darrel enjoys reading and watching movies.
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