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Lois Clark

Missionary to Kenya
"“Let the Love of God Show through You”"
By Rachel Elwood, Staff Writer, February 2010

“God performed miracle after miracle in so many ways,” said Lois Clark, remembering her time serving as a missionary with WGM in Kenya.

Lois and her husband, Loren, first went to Kenya in 1949. They had originally felt called to go to China, but by the late 1940s, missionaries were no longer welcome in China. After praying about the decision, they decided to go to Kenya.

Lois was born on October 12, 1923, in Yakima, Washington and grew up in Washington and California, where her father was a farmer.  She had a happy childhood with a family that loved the Lord. She became a believer at the age of 14 while at a summer camp. When Lois was 16, her mother passed away suddenly, and Lois found herself in charge of raising her three young siblings and running the household until her grandmother came to take care of the family. Lois was able to attend Cascade College in Portland, Oregon, which is where she met her husband, Loren.

“Loren definitely had a call to go the mission field,” said Lois. “I didn’t at first, but I knew that it was God’s will for us to get married. Later, when I was praying, I felt God leading both of us to serve Him on the mission field.”

Loren and Lois served together at Kaboson Pastors’ School in Kenya, teaching courses for pastors, pastors’ wives, and lay leaders. “Loren was the preacher,” Lois said. “I would help him in his ministry. I also worked with Kipsigis women and helped teach the Kipsigis language to new missionaries.” Lois was also heavily involved in preparing materials for Theological Education by Extension (TEE). She helped translate courses into the Kipsigis language and prepared teaching guides. The TEE work had an immeasurable impact on the church in Kenya, with hundreds of pastors and leaders receiving Bible training that would not have been accessible otherwise.

A few years after arriving in Kenya, Lois and Loren adopted their son, John. But in 1957, tragedy struck when he accidentally fell into a river and drowned. “[The Kenyans] were very understanding when we lost our boy,” remembered Lois. “They were right there, putting their arms around me, and telling me they would pray that God would give me another child.” Three months later, the Clarks were able to adopt their daughter, Louise.

In 1988, Loren and Lois retired after serving with WGM for 41 years. They settled in Sacramento, California, and lived next door to their former coworkers, Jerry and Bunny Fish, who had also been missionaries in Kenya. Loren passed away in 2007, after 64 years of marriage.

“In every part of his life, Loren put God first,” said Lois. “He was loved by the Africans, by our church here, even by people who were not Christians. They saw his godly life. Even in the last years, he never complained at the pain. I couldn’t have had a better husband.”

Reflecting on her years of missionary service, Lois advised Christians to become more missions-active: “Let the love of God show through you, and love people. Be obedient to what God tells you to do. If you are in the center of God’s will, you will be happy no matter where you are.” After a lifetime of dedicating herself to loving others, Lois passed away on July 16, 2019 at the age of 96 to be with her Heavenly Father.

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