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Lois Henry

Missionary to Honduras
"Never Doubt Your Calling"
By Rachel Pyle, Intern, August 2010

Working to fulfill God’s calling, WGM missionary Lois Henry spent her life committed to winning souls for Christ. She never regretted following the path God set for her; money, family, and even sweethearts all came behind her burden to reach the lost.

Growing up in Columbus, Indiana, Lois was the youngest of four children. Her mother was the spiritual warrior of the family, and when Lois answered the call to missions in her early teens, her mother was a great source of support and encouragement. As soon as Lois heard the call, she pursued it with full force. “Everything else came in second,” she declared. The Latin American culture drew her in, and the burden for the people in Honduras was placed on her heart.

After high school, Lois started classes at Asbury University (Kentucky) where she received a bachelor’s degree in Spanish and religious education. After graduation, she wanted to become well-versed in the Bible, so she enrolled in Bible courses at Kentucky Mountain Bible College. While she was attending a KMBC camp meeting, a request was sent out for a teacher. Lois answered the need and spent the next year teaching in the mountains of Kentucky. Although she learned a lot during her time teaching in the U.S., she still had a burden for foreign ministry.

It was during this time that she became associated with World Gospel Mission. Knowing that she would eventually go to a foreign field, Lois went to Costa Rica to build up her Spanish language skills in order to prepare her for when the time would come.

Through WGM, Lois was appointed to Honduras. Wanting to make sure that this was the next step God had for her, she asked the Lord for guidance, and God gave her a passage from Isaiah 55:12 (KJV), “For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace.” In 1956, Lois finally arrived in the rugged town of Juticalpa, Honduras.

She started teaching at the mission grade school and was instantly taken in by the culture and the people. “I didn’t want to miss anything,” she exclaimed. Lois taught at the Christian Primary School and eventually took a position of leadership at Tegucigalpa Christian High School (now Virginia Sapp Christian High School). She taught subjects ranging from Bible to English, and she also developed a passion for teaching future ministers during her time teaching at the Bible institute.

Although Lois never had children of her own, she felt as if she was a “spiritual mother” to many children. During her years in Honduras, Lois opened her home to several young girls, including two sisters named Aracely and Mercey who came to stay with her when Mercey was only 6 years old. Lois always remained in contact with them. Lois also acted as an adoptive grandmother to Aracely’s four sons. “I have always believed in the faith of children,” she shared. Throughout the years, the Lord gave her the opportunity to mentor and guide young souls.

After her official retirement in 1997, Lois settled in Avon Park, Florida, where many of her WGM friends and coworkers lived. She continued to travel to Honduras to help in various capacities as long as she was able. “You never retire from the Lord’s work,” she said.

Lois went to be with the Lord on Sunday, November 18, 2018 . Lois spent her life obeying the Lord’s command to go and make disciples. In the parable of the talents, she would be the one to whom the masters said, “Well done, good and faithful servant,” Matthew 25:21 (NIV).

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