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Terry and Colleen Hawk

Retired Missionaries to Honduras and the Americas
"They Will Run and Not Grow Weary"

By Beth Muehleisen, Director of Human Resources, January 2022

Terry and Colleen Hawk have served in Honduras and the Americas Region in leadership for over forty years. During this time, they provided leadership at El Sembrador, as well as for the field of Honduras and the Americas Region. Appointed in 1981, they have now retired—Colleen on August 31, 2021, and Terry at the end of January 2022.

Terry was raised in Honduras where his parents pioneered the work at El Sembrador in Honduras. Colleen grew up in Kenya where her missionary parents began ministries in various locations during their career. They met at Vennard College and were married in 1973.

After moving to Washington Court House, Ohio, their church involvement led them to serve as volunteers for a year as dorm parents on the American Indian Field (now USA: Southwest Ministries). At the end of the year, Terry and Colleen applied with WGM but were told to come back after they had gained more experience.  

Ten years passed before Terry and Colleen heard God’s call to serve Him as missionaries, specifically to Honduras, and reapplied with WGM. By this time, Terry had gained experience in farming and construction while Colleen worked in a bank providing experience with finances and bookkeeping. They used all of these skills in various positions while in Honduras.

On arrival in Honduras the first time, Terry and Colleen lived with a Honduran family for three months while going to language school. Their son, Ben, was born two days after language school finished. This immersive experience was difficult, but it helped to solidify their call to the Honduran people.

At El Sembrador, the work was hard but rewarding. The relationships developed with the boys as they studied and worked for their education gave them influence as they helped to prepare them for the future and service in their own communities. Many of them found the Lord while they were there.

Once they left the farm school to become field directors, their travels throughout Honduras gave them a larger perspective of the influence of El Sembrador as they found former students serving their communities everywhere they went. That has been true in their roles as regional directors, too. Their “boys” are also here in the United States now ministering through Hispanic ministries to the diaspora. Colleen’s comment was, “Over our missionary career, God gave us the desires of our hearts.” 

Terry and Colleen have three children—Jeremy, Ben, and Jenny—and eight grandchildren.
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