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Dan and Peggy Zimmerman

Retired missionaries to Bolivia and Hispanic Ministries US
By Rachel Elwood, Staff Writer, June 2018

For 32 years, Dan and Peggy have served as exemplary missionaries and support staff for World Gospel Mission and Churches of Christ in Christian Union.

Dan and Peggy met while studying at Ohio Christian University (OCU), and both were committed to serving the Lord full time. In 1986, they began their missionary career in Barcelona, Spain, where they served for eight years. Their ministry focused on church planting, evangelism, and discipleship ministries. One of the highlights from that time was participating in evangelistic outreach during the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona. The following year, they accepted the call to go to Bolivia, where they lived in Santa Cruz and taught at Santa Cruz Christian Learning Center, Berea Bible Seminary, and Bolivian Evangelical University.

In 1995, they moved to the town of Cochabamba, where they helped start an extension campus of Berea Bible Seminary. They were deeply involved in fundraising for the seminary while also serving in children’s, youth, and women’s ministries and preaching and teaching at 17 churches in the Cochabamba area. They hosted numerous work teams that traveled to Cochabamba to help construct the seminary, conduct dental clinics, and serve local churches.

Returning to the U.S. in 2008, Dan took on a new challenge. He became the General Missionary Superintendent of CCCU, overseeing missionaries and promoting missions in CCCU churches. Peggy taught classes at OCU, and they both completed master’s degrees. In 2012, they began working with Spanish-speakers in the U.S. as part of the Hispanic Ministries USA Field. Thanks to their many years in Spanish-speaking countries, they speak fluent Spanish and understand the culture well. They taught English as a Second Language, presented the gospel, trained Hispanic pastors, and partnered with local churches to reach out to Hispanics in their communities.

Throughout all their years of missionary service, they have had one goal: to proclaim the truth of Jesus Christ and to build up the local church. Many people around the world have come to know Christ because of Dan and Peggy’s ministry. Work team members have experienced missions life with Dan and Peggy as mentors and guides. Countless Christians have had their faith deepened through Dan and Peggy’s teaching and preaching.

World Gospel Mission is grateful for the service of Dan and Peggy Zimmerman.  James 1:12 (NIV) says: “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.” Dan and Peggy, thank you for your wonderful example of faith and trust in our Lord. May He continue to bless you in the days and years to come.

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