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International Global Workers at Jeta

Help us raise $3000 by the end of the year to bless our international team members!


The global workers at the Jeta community center serve as volunteers and rely on the generosity of God’s people to provide for their living expenses. We are blessed to have an international team serving together at Jeta.




Luis, Laura, and their girls have been sent by a wonderfully supportive church in their home country of Argentina, however, a punitive exchange tax (intended to preserve the local Argentine currency) means that only $0.17 of every dollar sent from Argentina reaches the Acostas in Albania. As a matter of stewardship, we want to develop sources of funding for them from outside of Argentina. The Acostas minister through discipleship, adaptive sports, and education and bring a unique skill set to our team.  They have tremendous hearts for those they serve, and we can’t imagine ministry without them.  Thank you in advance for your gift!



Luli is a first-generation believer and member of a small church.  For many years he worked nights at a local factory and late afternoons and weekends in ministry.  The long hours took a toll on his health.  We have seen how the majority of local ministers try to serve bi-vocationally and the limitations it places on their availability. Would you be willing to help support Luli so he can devote his full-time energy to serving his people in ways our international staff cannot? We believe our local brothers and sisters are the most effective communicators of the Gospel.


As Europe is hit with increasing energy costs (The cost of electricity in Albania is tripling), help us bless our international team members with an extra gift towards their ministry accounts. 


All gifts to this campaign will be transferred to the ministry accounts of the Acosta family (66% - goal $2000) and Luli (33% - goal $1000) on December 31!


Jeta (pronounced yay-tah) is a multi-faceted community center in central Albania. Jeta, which means “life” in the Albanian language, encourages healthy living and transformation for people of all ages and abilities with programs focused on body, mind, and soul.  
Whether drawn by English classes, soccer training, Bible study, church, or after-school tutoring, our staff and volunteers pray that those who enter Jeta ultimately find life in Jesus Christ who said, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10 ESV). 
Jeta is also the home of VT Albania, a day program that provides access, community, and growth for individuals with physical and cognitive disabilities. 
As a rare local example of a fully-accessible building, Jeta is located among a cluster of under-served villages off the primary highway between Albania’s two largest cities (Tirana and Durres). 

A building with the word Jeta on the side

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