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Mark and Serena Dunbar

ID: 03450, Region: North America
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Mark: As a missionary kid growing up in Honduras, I heard and accepted the gospel of Christ as a young child. At 10 or 11 years of age, I realized that I needed a deeper walk and asked God to take every part of my life and to control me through His Spirit. My interest in late high school was accounting, and I was aware of the need for accountants on the mission field. After working a year at a CPA firm in Portland, Oregon, I knew I loved my work. However, at the same time, I felt a quiet unrest that God had other plans for my life. I had always wanted to return to Honduras, but I wanted to make sure that it was God and not my own emotions calling me there. God confirmed this in a series of events.

Now, having worked 23 years in Honduras in many different roles, I am convinced that the most important role is demonstrating the love of Christ while serving others. I am excited to now minister with the national church in Mexico with the goal of seeing the people demonstrate Christ’s love and compassion in their everyday lives.

Serena: I accepted the Lord during Vacation Bible School at the age of 5. My family didn’t attend church, however, so I didn’t really grow in the Lord until I was in high school. At that time, two major events happened in my life: I was exposed to missions, and I was sanctified. After marrying Mark, a man who also had a call to the mission field, we worked at WGM’s headquarters in Marion, Indiana, as I finished my degree in education.

In 1989, we headed to Honduras, where we served for twenty-three years. After that we headed to Mexico, where we currently serve. Our life on the mission field has never been boring! I have done everything from helping put out forest fires and serving as superintendent of a high school to delivering pigs and leading Bible studies. Now I have the privilege of serving as the Area Team Leader of Mexico and Assistant Regional Director of the Americas. It is a joy to serve God wherever He leads me, and I look forward to seeing what He will continue to have us do in the years to come.

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