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Mike Banks

ID: 01422, Region: North America
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I serve in missions because of my love for Christ and the passion He has placed in my heart to disciple young people, specifically the children of those in full-time missionary service. The transitions and pressures that many of them experience are very unique to missionary kids. It is my goal to help them process these experiences, encourage them personally and spiritually, and hopefully empower them for growth through it all.

My missionary journey began after a short-term missions trip to Bolivia in 1991. God opened the door for me to serve as a volunteer at Santa Cruz Christian Learning Center for the next two years. During my second year in Bolivia, I felt God’s calling to serve in youth ministries with junior high and high school students.

I was appointed as a career missionary with World Gospel Mission in 1993. Following language school in Costa Rica, I moved to Bolivia to serve as SCCLC’s secondary chaplain and youth pastor for the next 15 years. I worked with international students, Bolivian students, and missionary kids in chapel services, youth groups, Bible studies, leadership development, retreats, camps, service projects, and a variety of other ministries.

In 2007, I was asked to consider taking on the role of MK Ministries coordinator at WGM. Over the next two years, God worked on my heart. In 2009, I accepted that major ministry change. After finishing the school year at SCCLC, I relocated to the U.S. to assume this position. Now I serve alongside pastors to missionaries, pastors to retirees, and our staff counselors on the Member Health Team.

As the MK Ministries coordinator, I lead MK programs at missions events, direct WGM’s MK Camp, work with other organizations in hosting MK-centered events during the year, and visit MKs on the field and college-age MKs at universities.

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