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Ethan and Ashley Batschelet

ID: 11472, Region: Central America
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Ethan began his career with WGM in 2010 while serving as a single missionary in Tegucigalpa. During those five years, he ministered with at-risk youth in high need areas. Those years of ministry gave him a passion to share the love and Good News of Jesus Christ with all at-risk youth in Honduras. Fast forward a few years, and the same passion was instilled by the Lord in Ashley’s heart.

Ethan and Ashley now serve at Escuela El Sembrador in rural Honduras where they live with their two-year-old daughter, Evelyn.

El Sembrador is a school and farm, ministering to 350+ students and 100+ staff. El Sembrador walks hand in hand with our partner denomination, Iglesia Evangelica de Santidad en Honduras. Ethan is an ordained minister with our denomination and serves as director of their seminary, SETESAH (Seminario Teologico de Santidad en Honduras). Ethan and Ashley teach classes through the seminary as they walk alongside pastors and church leaders in training.

When Ethan first moved to El Sembrador in 2015, he served as a teacher at the El Sembrador Bible Institute. In 2016, he became a residential life counselor and teacher in the high school. After marrying in January 2017, both Ethan and Ashley they began ministering as a family. Ethan became campus pastor, while Ashley served as the preschool teacher in the primary school.

Today, Ethan serves as general director of El Sembrador, while Ashley coordinates the women’s ministry and works with both the elementary and secondary schools in curriculum development and teacher training.

Their passion to share Christ’s message of hope continues strong today as they invest in the lives of the El Sembrador staff and students, witnessing them enjoy a deep, personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Thank you for your part in making this ministry possible through both your prayer and financial support.

Specific Prayer Requests:

  • For wisdom and guidance as they lead El Sembrador and SETESAH.
  • For them as a family, that they would remain spiritually, physically, and emotionally strong to fulfill God’s call on their lives.
  • For the students and staff in both El Sembrador and SETESAH—that they would seek the Lord and work to develop a meaningful relationship with the heavenly Father.
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