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Steve and Debbie Cartwright

ID: 02674, Region: North America
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Steve: I grew up as a preacher’s kid and was saved and called into the ministry by age 7. Although I knew God had called me, I became rebellious to that call as a teenager and wanted to do my own thing. By my high school graduation, I had surrendered my life to God and the calling He had for me. I enrolled in Ohio Christian University to become a minister.

Debbie: I was saved at the age of 17, sanctified very soon afterward, and called into full-time Christian service. In obedience to that call, I changed my college choice and enrolled in Ohio Christian University, where I met Steve.

Following our marriage in 1982, we spent 11 years in pastorates and Christian education ministries before our missionary appointment in 1993. We served for one term in the Caribbean and have ministered with WGM Southwest since then.

Steve and Debbie minister at a small church on the Gila River Reservation. Steve is involved in summer Bible camps, Victory Guitar Outreach, and SOAR (Servant-Overcomer Addiction Recovery.) Debbie does a youth coffee shop ministry and children’s ministries at the church and is also Field Treasurer and serves on the Southwest Ministries Leadership Team.

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