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Joe and Corinna Cavanaugh

ID: 02668, Region: North America
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Joe: I was spiritually, emotionally, and physically marginalized, but through teachers, mentors, and community, Jesus restored me and taught me how to be part of the body of Christ. Discipling and family ministry have become my passions; therefore, it is the natural next step to go to communities in need of this restoration. I am ecstatic to be part of the Great Commission, “So, being affectionately desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you had become very dear to us” (1 Thessalonians 2:8 ESV).

Corinna: I have been a pediatric nurse and nurse educator for 30-plus years. I have had the privilege of participating in many short-term mission trips, and now God has led me to be a full-time missionary to Central Mexico. “But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?” (Romans 10:14 NLT). My story, like yours, has had many twists and turns—I have experienced beauty coming from ashes, oil of joy instead of mourning, and praise replacing despair (Isaiah 61:3). I serve a Savior who rescues, restores, and regenerates the human soul, and it is my desire to affect lives with my testimony as I share life with the broken hearted.

For over 20 years, God has been transforming our lives. Our life experiences of divorce, drug and alcohol addiction, and emotional abuse have prepared us for bringing hope to communities struggling with these issues. Combining these experiences with our gifts and talents of discipleship and mentoring, youth and young adult ministry, education, and health care, we will bring the joy of the Lord to transform lives in Central Mexico. We believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ can set people free from generational bondage. And we believe transformed people will transform people; and transformed people will transform communities.

Join the Team

We are praying for 62 people, churches, or organizations to help us meet the needs and fulfill the vision of this ministry.

The following table details the number of financial partners needed to reach our personal and ministry support goals.

financial partner $300 monthly
financial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partner $200 monthly
financial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partner $150 monthly
financial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partner $100 monthly
financial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partner $75 monthly
financial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partner $50 monthly
financial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partner $25 monthly
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Global Impact Fund
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