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Tom and Emily Dillard

ID: 03310, Region: Africa
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We believe we are called to care for and share Jesus with sick and hurting children and families in Kenya. About two years ago, the Lord placed a strong desire in our hearts to be part of the “go” in missions. He called us to lay down our lives of comfort and follow Him into something greater. We strongly believe that every believer of Christ is on a mission field. We just want to honor Him, be faithful to what He wants us to do, and discover how our family can be most effective for His kingdom. We’re excited to be able to do this in Kenya at Tenwek Hospital.

Tom: I serve as a pediatrician at Tenwek, caring directly for sick children and teaching and training Kenyan doctors in how to compassionately care for and share the gospel with their patients. I am also involved in the men’s ministry at our local church.

Emily: I homeschool our children and am involved in community ministry, orphan care, and discipling women and children.

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