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Lisa Fish

ID: 03735, Region: North America
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I serve with our World Gospel Mission Headquarters team as an Education Specialist. This means that I get to help train and educate new and veteran missionaries! I’m so thankful to be used in this way.

I was called to be a missionary in my teens, and the Lord led me to Bible school in Colorado and to earn my university degree at Asbury University in Kentucky. During my years at Asbury, I discovered the work and ministries of World Gospel Mission. The Lord used that time to lead me into full-time ministry with WGM.

I have now served with WGM as a teacher and youth leader in a variety of locations, including Bolivia, Uganda, Argentina, and on the Texas/Mexico Border. I returned Stateside in 2020 and was listed under Special Assignment in 2021.

WGM serves in more than thirty locations globally. The training I help with and materials I work to develop support our missionaries to improve in leadership as they do kingdom-building work. Please pray with me that I will faithfully and boldly follow Jesus as He uses me to educate missionaries and impact the World for HIS Glory. Pray for creativity and insight as we work to disciple and mentor many around the world.

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