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Peter and Emily Goodwin

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Doctors Peter and Emily Goodwin and their four children, Nate, Isabelle, Priscilla, and Abigail, have a ministry motto, “Serving the Lord Through Sight,” from Psalm 18:28, “You, Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light ” (NIV). Dr. Peter Goodwin, a vitreoretinal surgeon, provides treatment and sight restoring-surgeries to people suffering from eye diseases who travel to Tenwek Hospital from the local area in addition to underserved areas of Western Kenya. Daily, Dr. Goodwin participates in the training of Kenyan ophthalmology providers and residents. Dr. Goodwin considers his most beneficial treatment to be the sharing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with patients. One meeting each week is also dedicated to the personal growth and discipleship of the staff. 

Our family has been serving at Tenwek Hospital intermittently since 2017. We have been called to say yes to His call to serve in areas of our specific training when there is a need. For this year, this means that we will be serving as mid-term missionaries for the 2024/2025 school year. Emily, who is a Pediatric Hematologist-Oncologist, will primarily homeschool her children but also work as a consultant to the pediatric staff. Our children, who serve alongside us as integral members of our team, will serve children in orphanages and the local school for the blind, as well as the eye hospital.

Pray with us that we will be effective instruments of God’s love.

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