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Chrissy Greenwell

ID: 03990, Region: North America
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Called to missions as a teenager, I participated on a couple disaster service work teams close to home. While attending Asbury College, now Asbury University (Kentucky), I traveled on two life-changing Task Force teams with World Gospel Mission. During these trips, God confirmed His call on my life; He aligned my heart’s desire with the knowledge of His call.

In 1996, I served as a Volunteers In Action participant on the Texas/Mexico border, and God continued extending my vision toward the people of Mexico. After graduating from language school in May 2000, I moved to Mexico and began an amazing journey. I have lived in four different cities in three states and have had the privilege of working with several hundred Mexicans in more than 20 different WGM churches.

As the Church in Mexico grows, new ministry opportunities are developing. The president of the WGM Church in Mexico has asked me to coordinate the children’s programs throughout the national church. This project includes AWANA, Sunday School programs, projects with the 4/14 Window, and training classes for Sunday School teachers and parents.

I’m excited about the possibilities and all that needs to be done to see each children’s program grow and impact Mexico for Christ. I look forward to traveling throughout Mexico, holding training seminars, coordinating teaching materials, and much more.

Please pray for the formation of a team to work with me in each of these projects. Perhaps you would like to be a part of this ministry team. You would be welcomed with arms wide open! Ask me about the 4/14 Window and how you can help extend the kingdom of God in Mexico.

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