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Scott and Noel Hardaway

ID: 04150, Region: North America
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By any measure, the church in America is in decline. As recently as 1990, 90% of Americans identified as Christians; today that number is only 64%. And only a quarter of those Christians are evangelicals. This decline is most pronounced among the younger generations.

These trends are significant when it comes to mobilizing young people for kingdom service because the pool from which we have to draw them is increasingly shrinking. Where are the next generation of kingdom workers to be found?

Discovery Experience is a five-month immersive, hands-on ministry experience that gives participants the opportunity to:

  • Travel to different ministry locations and gain experience in various ministry contexts
  • Receive ongoing one-on-one mentoring and discipleship from seasoned missionaries
  • Experience community with others considering going into full-time missions work
  • Discover and explore God’s call on their lives

In conducting this program twice a year, Scott and Noel will be working directly with dozens of young people, pouring into their lives, and discipling and equipping them for kingdom service. 

As you invest in our ministry, you are helping raise up the next generation of global workers and extending your impact literally around the world!

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