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Eli and Krista Horn

ID: 04844, Region: Africa
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Eli and Krista felt the Lord calling them to medical missions even before they were married. After graduating college and getting married, they confirmed their call by serving in Cameroon for five months. During that time, they worked alongside a couple who were living and working at a rural clinic that predominantly served the Fulani tribe. After that life-changing experience, Eli and Krista returned to the States so Eli could begin medical school.

Eli attended the Stritch School of Medicine at Loyola University. While living in Chicago, Krista also had the opportunity to attend graduate school and received an M.A. in Intercultural Studies from Wheaton College. They graduated at the same time and then moved to Duluth, MN, where Eli underwent residency training to specialize in Family Medicine. It was during those years in Duluth that all three of their boys were born.

After being appointed with WGM, the Horns moved to Kenya to serve at Tenwek Hospital for two years. Eli is on faculty with the Kabarak University Family Medicine Residency Program which enables East African physicians to specialize in Family Medicine. After those initial two years at Tenwek, the Horns now live at Chogoria Hospital where Eli serves as the Program Coordinator for the residency at that site.

Krista remains busy taking care of their boys at home, as well as homeschooling. She also manages the administrative side of their ministry and is actively involved in the missionary community.

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