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John and Beth Muehleisen

ID: 06790, Region: North America
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Even though John and Beth Muehleisen have been part of WGM for thirty-seven years, their passion for fulfilling the Great Commission while pursuing the Great Commandment has never waned. During their years with WGM, they have found great joy in serving wherever the Lord has led them.  

The Muehleisens lived and ministered in Nairobi, Kenya, for most of the first twenty years. While Beth led Bible study and discipleship groups, John pastored a large multi-ethnic congregation. Later, John provided leadership training for Africa Gospel Church Kenya’s district superintendents and coached church planters.  

As they continued to follow God’s call, John and Beth transferred to Uganda in 2008, helping to launch a new ministry through Africa Gospel Church in Uganda called Community Health Evangelism (CHE). CHE trains village community health educators/evangelists to teach their neighbors health lessons, spiritual lessons, and Bible stories. CHE also trains communities to use their local resources to improve their lives. They also had the wonderful opportunity to train people in South Sudan in the CHE approach.  

After finishing their Home Ministry Assignment in 2019, they were asked to serve on a special assignment based at WGM Headquarters. John develops and facilitates training for WGM staff wherever they are in the world, and Beth supports WGM staff through her work in the Human Resources department.  

Their ministry location has changed over the years, but their call to love and serve their Lord and others has not.  

“…we make it our goal to please Him (2 Corinthians 5:9 NIV). 

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