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Joy Phillips

ID: 07338, Region: Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania
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I had no intentions of leaving Africa, but here I am! Since 2017 I have been serving as a regional director for World Gospel Mission, overseeing missionaries and ministries in WGM’s East Region. Before taking on this role, I spent thirty-two years in Kenya and South Sudan. I started out as a nurse at Tenwek Hospital, taught at the Tenwek School of Nursing for a short stint, and then spent fourteen years with the Tenwek Community Health and Development project. From there I transitioned to ministry in South Sudan for ten years.
My time in Africa included rich years of ministry and I treasure them. I’m grateful for the many friends and relationships made during those years. I’m glad I said yes to going to Kenya as a nurse when I felt God leading me to Tenwek Hospital in 1985. There have been many adventures and certainly some hard times but overall, I look back on those years and see God’s faithfulness.
As a regional director, I oversee WGM’s ministries in parts of Europe and Asia and in Papua New Guinea. I am based in the U.S., making visits to where our global workers are in ministry. I work with area team leaders, each of whom oversees several teams of global workers. We want to ensure global workers have the support and direction they need to thrive as they fulfill the calling God has placed on their lives. Our global workers come from the U.S., several countries in Latin America, and Albania. I also work with the International Ministries Team which includes WGM’s vice president of International Ministries and the other regional directors. We look at the changing world of missions and move strategic initiatives forward.
Our goal at WGM is to see individuals, families, churches, communities, and nations discipled with a biblical worldview in all areas of life. God is at work building His kingdom in WGM East and I’m privileged to be a part of it. Thank you for partnering in God’s story with your investments of prayer and finances.

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