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Brandon and Izumi Kuba

ID: 05445, Region: Asia
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My (Brandon’s) grandparents, David and Edna Kuba, pioneered World Gospel Mission’s work in Japan, especially in the area of university student evangelism. They were tremendously influential in shaping the eventual course of my life and ministry in their emphasis in the primacy of God’s Word, the importance of faithful obedience to God, and the value of fervent prayer.

At the very early age of 5, I received my own unique call to participate in God’s work in Japan. However, upon graduating from university, I served as a teacher for about 12 years before God reawakened that call to missions. It became my privilege to enter service with WGM in 2010.

Initially, as my grandparents before me, I participated in university student ministry through WGM’s partnership with Immanuel General Mission (a large Japanese holiness denomination). It was also through IGM that I had the privilege of meeting Izumi Hirose, who pastors a church in Shimonoseki.

We were married in October 2016, and it has been our privilege since that time to be covenant partners in marriage and co-laborers for the sake of the gospel with Immanuel Shimonoseki Church serving as our base. Compared to the bustling metropolis of the greater Tokyo area, Shimonoseki (in southern Japan) and the surrounding areas are nearly unreached.

As we embody a union of church and mission, we believe that God has not given up on Japan and that the fields are indeed ripe for the harvest. We are excited about and prayerfully dreaming about how we might advance the gospel in Japan through Bible studies, English and discipleship classes, and university outreach efforts.

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