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Brian and Paula Kushman

ID: 05499, Region: North America
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For our first two terms of service with WGM, we served in Cochabamba, Bolivia, where we taught Bible, theology, and music and participated in discipleship and family counseling. We continue to be involved in many of these same ministries to Hispanics in the United States.

Paula: As a little girl, I invited Jesus into my heart but never thought of being a missionary when I grew up. Later in high school, I became very involved in a youth group, attended a missions-minded church, and had friends that were MKs (missionary kids). Finally, I met a very special MK. When Brian shared with me his desire to work as a missionary, it sounded like a normal thing. I prayed about it and felt a peace in my heart about sharing my life with Brian and dedicating our life together as missionaries. After college and youth ministry, we went to Bolivia to serve in the city of Cochabamba. We have learned that God is faithful. What He calls us to, He is faithful to supply.

Brian: I had the privilege of growing up in a Christian home on the mission field in Bolivia and Argentina. This contributed greatly to the influence of God calling me to His service while I was in high school. Paula and I have since been led to WGM's Hispanic Ministries USA as the first commissioned missionaries to this field.

Missions has traditionally focused on strangers in another land, but what about the strangers among us? We are told in Deuteronomy 10:17-19 to love the strangers in our land because God loves the stranger. This is the burden that God has put on our hearts, ministering to the strangers among us. He has continued to work in our lives, both personally and in the ministry He has given us. We are involved in teaching, leadership training, and family and pastoral counseling. In the end, we will be able to rejoice together and say, “To God be the glory; great things He has done!” My prayer is that more will become involved in all that God is doing.

Read more about our ministry here

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We are praying for 38 people, churches, or organizations to help us meet the needs and fulfill the vision of this ministry.

The following table details the number of financial partners needed to reach our personal and ministry support goals.

financial partnerfinancial partner $100 monthly
financial partnerfinancial partner $75 monthly
financial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partner $60 monthly
financial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partner $50 monthly
financial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partner $40 monthly
financial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partner $30 monthly
financial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partnerfinancial partner $20 monthly
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