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Rick and Lori Lampen

ID: 05575, Region: North America
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God is always preparing His people for and moving them towards the next step. In Rick and Lori’s case, the next step was exiting ministry in South America to join WGM’s growing Member Health team. This team of pastors, coaches, and health professionals cares for WGM’s global workers and their families in a variety of ways including on-site visits, renewal debriefings, listening, and intercession.

After serving for more than twenty-five years in medical, church nurturing, and leadership ministries in Bolivia, South America, Rick and Lori began to feel the Lord leading them to make a change. Rick became a professional life coach. Coaching offers a new avenue to speak into other’s lives, provide encouragement to face life’s challenges and help individuals become more resilient in the ups and downs of life and ministry.

Rick and Lori deeply value member care and are honored to minister to those who minister! While they serve as Area Member Health Leaders for Asia and Europe, their desire is for God to continue to shape, transform and equip them to be instruments of blessing—well-fitted to His skillful hands.

“I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.” Psalm 32:8 (NLT)

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