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Annette Lievaart

ID: 15845, Region: Africa
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Annette Lievaart has been serving at Tenwek Hospital in Bomet, Kenya, since 2013. She works as a respiratory therapist in the hospital. She enjoys using her respiratory skills with patients throughout the hospital. Her training has her helping a patient with croup in casualty (ER), taking a breathing tube out of patient after a cardiac surgery, or joining rounds in one of the ICUs. While patient care is a part of her job, Annette also enjoys providing respiratory education to the staff, interns, nurses, residents, and whoever else will listen. Annette is also a part of Bible studies and discipleship for the Kenyans in the training programs at Tenwek. Each week, she meets with the 15-25 interns for a meal and biblical discussion.

As a Canadian, Annette is also sent out by Into All The World. If you are a Canadian donor, WGM cannot provide you with a Canadian tax-deductible receipt. If you would like a Canadian tax-deductible receipt, please donate to Annette at

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